Monday 17 October 2011

LOG ENTRY #2 - Those Bad, Bad Days..

Its amazing to think of the amount of stuff that can go wrong in one measly day. Let me list down some of the possibilities..
a) You could destroy a nearly finished painting by sploshing paint in the wrong areas. Now your incredibly sweet Art teacher is going to send you down to the Principal.
b) You could get scolded for using your lap as a tabletop (TWICE) by the Principal, herself, as she makes her daily rounds.
c) You could temporarily become a glutton.
d) You could also get into a row with your brother, who nicked your new Alex Rider book.
e) You could realise how stupid "e)" looks. -_-

Moving onto the things that can go wrong very easily, but are usually avoided...
a) You could set fire to your bedroom, and sleep on obliviously.
b) You could stick your hand into the toaster.
c) You could accidentally help the nice old man next door, realising too late, that he's a mad scientist bent on world domination.
d) You could realise how silly and pointless your blog post looks.
( And this point, I'm afraid I wasn't lucky enough to avoid. )

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